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react-map-gl v8.0

Release date: Jan 2025

  • First version to support Mapbox GL JS' official types and MapLibre GL JS v5. This version fully separates the code that support each compatible map library:
    • react-map-gl/mapbox: for use with mapbox-gl>=3.5.0
    • react-map-gl/maplibre: for use with maplibre-gl>=4
    • react-map-gl/mapbox-legacy: for use with mapbox-gl v1.x and v2.x and @types/mapbox-gl
  • As a result, each endpoint now have slightly smaller bundle size and more precise types.
  • Maplibre wrapper is expected to have better functionality and performance than v7 by utilizing an upstream API for the React use case.

For a full list of breaking changes, please visit the upgrade guide.

react-map-gl v7.1

Release date: June 2023

  • To better accommodate the API divergence between Mapbox and Maplibre, this version adds a new endpoint react-map-gl/maplibre. The new endpoint exports identical components as react-map-gl, but typed for maplibre-gl instead. After switching to this new endpoint, maplibre-gl users no longer need to install mapbox-gl or a placeholder package as dependency. See upgrade guide for an example.
  • Marker, Popup and GeolocateControl components now expose the native instance via React ref.

react-map-gl v7.0

Release date: Feb 4, 2022

v7 is a complete rewrite of the library. It addresses many long-standing issues in v5 and v6 limited by legacy architecture decisions. The most notable results of this redesign are:

  • Performance: minimize the overhead of React, offer the same fast and smooth interaction as the native library
  • Lightweight: the ESM build size is reduced from 219k to 57k
  • Predictability: Components behave the same as their mapbox counterparts. Props are mapped 1:1 from the native options wherever appropriate. Almost all imperative APIs (flyTo, fitBounds etc.) can now be called directly without breaking the React binding.
  • Compatibility: first and third-party plugins! Directly use mapbox-gl-draw, mapbox-gl-geocoder, to name a few.
  • TypeScript compliant: the code base is now entirely written in TypeScript, and all types can be imported.

Visit the upgrade guide if you are trying to upgrade from v5 and v6.

react-map-gl v5.3/v6.1

Release date: Jan 27, 2020


  • TypeScript and Flow typings are now published with the library
  • More controller customizations. Smooth easing on wheel scroll, three-finger gesture to change pitch, inertia after pan/pinch, and customizable keyboard navigation speed. See the updated interaction options for details.
  • A new eventRecognizerOptions prop is added for fine-tuning the interaction experience.
  • New component: AttributionControl
  • Promoted to official API: MapContext
  • Resolved React error over attempted state update during render
  • GeolocateControl added supports for showAccuracyCircle
  • All controls now support inline styling with a style prop
  • All components and examples have been rewritten as functional components

react-map-gl v6.0

Release date: Dec 16, 2020

What's Changed

The 6.0 release upgrades its Mapbox GL JS dependency to v2.0. There are important changes to mapbox-gl's license and pricing model in this milestone. If you are NOT using a Mapbox account (e.g. self-hosting map tiles), do NOT upgrade to this version, and consider your options discussed in this document.

See upgrade guide for a complete list of breaking changes.

react-map-gl v5.2

Release date: Jan 6, 2020


  • New Components: ScaleControl
  • NavigationControl: new label prop
  • GeolocateControl: new label, onGeolocate, auto props
  • New Export: WebMercatorViewport is re-exported from the viewport-mercator-project library for ease of use. It's recommended to import it from react-map-gl instead to avoid future dependency change.
  • New Example: Clusters

react-map-gl v5.1

Release date: Oct 30, 2019


  • New Components: Layer and Source have been added to provide better React parity with the Mapbox GL JS API.
  • Viewport transition: transitionDuration can be set to 'auto' when using FlyToInterpolator.
  • New Example: Add an example with drawing library react-map-gl-draw.

react-map-gl v5.0

Release date: May 31, 2019

What's Changed

The only change between the 5.0 release and the latest 4.1 release is Mapbox GL JS v1.0. By using this version, you opt into Mapbox's new pricing model, which bills per map load instead of map views. 5.0.x and 4.1.x will continue to update in parallel with otherwise identical features until November 2019 when Mapbox moves all users of 0.xx to a new pricing scheme. For more details, see mapbox's changelog and blog post.

Alongside Mapbox GL JS's new milestone, we have relaxed the mapbox-gl dependency from locking minor release (~0.53.0) to major release (^1.0.0). This will allow developers to upgrade faster without waiting for a new release from react-map-gl.

react-map-gl v4.1

Release date: Mar 14, 2019


  • New Components: FullscreenControl, GeolocateControl have been added to provide better React parity with the Mapbox GL JS API.
  • New callback props InteractiveMap supports more callbacks:
    • onNativeClick

react-map-gl v4.0

Release date: Nov 5, 2018


  • Relative dimensions Both InteractiveMap and StaticMap now support CSS strings supplied to map width and height props. New onResize callback is fired when the map resizes.
  • React 16 Upgrade to React 16.3 context and ref patterns
  • Babel 7 Upgrade build system to Babel 7, better support for tree-shaking
  • Style diffing Now use Mapbox's native style diffing. Immutable is no longer required.
  • Draggable Markers Marker component now supports a new prop draggable, along with callbacks onDragStart, onDrag, and onDragEnd.
  • 3d Popups Popup component now supports a new prop sortByDepth to enable proper occlusion when multiple popups are used in a tilted map.
  • Interaction states onViewportChange is now called with richer descriptors of the user interaction, including isPanning, isZooming and isRotating.
  • Interactive layers Dropped the requirement for the deprecated interactive property on the layer styles. Use the interactiveLayerIds prop to specify which layers are clickable.
  • New callback props InteractiveMap supports more callbacks:
    • onDblClick
    • onMouseDown
    • onMouseMove
    • onMouseUp
    • onTouchStart
    • onTouchMove
    • onTouchEnd
    • onMouseEnter
    • onMouseLeave
    • onWheel
    • onMouseOut

See upgrade guide for breaking changes.

react-map-gl v3.3

Release date: July, 2018


  • New viewState Property: Makes it possible to specify all map state properties (longitude, latitude, zoom, bearing and pitch) as a single property.
  • New onViewStateChange callback: An alternative callback that matches the new viewState prop.

react-map-gl v3.2

Realease date: January, 2018


  • Viewport transition: feature equivalent to Mapbox's flyTo and easeTo; smooth transition when using keyboard navigation or the NavigationControl.
  • Better parity of Mapbox interaction: navigation using keyboard and the navigation control matches Mapbox behavior, including smooth transition when zooming and panning.
  • Support for Map Reuse (experimental): A new property reuseMaps is provided for applications that create and destroy maps, to help work around a mapbox-gl resource leak issue that can lead to a browser crash in certain situations.
  • mapbox-gl 0.42.2
  • New props of the InteractiveMap component:
    • Map creation: transformRequest, reuseMaps
    • Interaction: touchZoom, touchRotate
    • Transition: transitionDuration, transitionInterpolator, transitionEasing, transitionInterruption, onTransitionStart, onTransitionInterrupt, onTransitionEnd

react-map-gl v3.1

Release date: October 19, 2017


  • Event handling
    • Support right mouse drag to rotate
    • Support keyboard navigation
    • Allow controls and overlays to block map interactions
  • React 16 - react-map-gl is now being tested with React 16, but the React peer dependency requirement is unchanged at >=15.4.x.
  • mapbox-gl v0.40.1
  • No Token warning: react-map-gl now renders an HTML message if no mapbox token is supplied.

react-map-gl v3.0

Release date: July 27th, 2017


  • Latest Mapbox GL JS: Bumps Mapbox GL JS to 0.38.
  • Multi-Touch Support: Full support for multi-touch gestures such as pinch-to-zoom and rotate.
  • New Components: The MapGL component has been split into StaticMap and InteractiveMap (the default). Also, Popup, Marker, NavigationControl have been added to provide better React parity with the Mapbox GL JS API.
  • Improved Overlay Components: Supplying viewport props (width height zoom longitude and latitude) are no longer required if you render SVGOverlay, CanvasOverlay or HTMLOverlay as a child of the map. Perspective mode is now supported in all overlays.
  • New Props: maxPitch, minPitch, dragPan, doubleClickZoom, touchZoomRotate, scrollZoom are now provided to allow granular control of map interactivity.
  • Documentation: Significantly expanded and linked with our other geospatial frameworks.
  • Examples: New stand-alone examples to get you started instantly with the new features.
  • Event Handling: New event handling architecture that enables full customization of event handling (experimental).


InteractiveMap (New, MapGL replacement)

This is a wrapper on top of StaticMap. It takes all the props of StaticMap and additional ones such as onViewportChange, scrollZoom, dragRotate, etc. to control interactivity on the map. See Source Code for more information.

StaticMap (New)

This is the React wrapper around Mapbox GL JS and takes in viewport properties such as width, height, latitude, longitude. Style diffing and updating logic also live here. See Source Code for more information.


  • Three overlays (ScatterplotOverlay, DraggablePointsOverlay, ChoroplethOverlay), have been moved out of the library and are now only provided as examples.

Property Changes

  • Property Names - some prop names have been modernized, the old ones will still work for now with a warning.
  • Internal Properties such as isHovering, isDragging, startDragLngLat have been removed. These were never meant to be useful publicly and have caused confusions in the past.


  • fitBounds: fitBounds has been moved to another repository and has been rewritten to provide a more logical interface.

For more information, see the Upgrade Guide.

react-map-gl v2.0

Date: Jan 17, 2017


  • Latest mapbox-gl: Bump mapbox-gl to v0.31.0
  • new maxZoom prop - Add maxZoom prop and defaults to 20
  • New onLoad prop - Add onLoad event handler
  • new onClick prop - Add onClick prop handler (#140)

react-map-gl v1.0

  • Perspective Mode - Now supports bearing and pitch properties, per mapbox-gl api documentation. These props default to 0 which means that maps will still be rendered in flat/ortographic mode when they are not provided
  • Support for ES6 imports - The map overlay components (HTMLOverlay, CanvasOverlay, SVGOverlay etc) previously had to be imported via their relative source paths can now be imported directly.

react-map-gl v0.6

Initial public version