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About Testing provides a set of test utilities intended to facilitate typical testing tasks.

Browser Test Automation

A key part of the test utilities is a framework for automating browser tests using puppeteer. The intention is to make browser tests invokable from the terminal by e.g. package.json scripts, by spawning a browser and waiting until the test results are available, then closing the browser and reporting back the results to the shell script.

  • BrowserDriver is a relatively low-level class that provides a Promise based interface to puppeteer as well as facilities for spawning a "dev server" and communicating status via exit codes back to the invoking shell. This class is intended as a building block for custom automation tasks.
  • BrowserTestDriver is a subclass of BrowserDriver that is intended to be a "turn-key" solution for typical browser set.

Function Spys provides a makeSpy function that enable you to check if your functions were called during exection of test code.

Visual Regression Testing provides a set of experimental image loading and diffing tools. Together with the Automation facilities it is possible to create sophisticated visual regression tests. More to come...