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A Chrome Browser test automation driver class (based on the Chrome DevTools protocol via the puppeteer module. The BrowserDriver class is primarily intended for automating browser based applications from shell scripts.

A BrowserDriver is typically used to do the following:

  • Launch/close a Chromium browser instance
  • Start/stop a local web service.
  • Opens a browser page with a URL in the browser.

To use this class, puppeteer must be installed as a dev dependency.


const {BrowserDriver} = require('');
new BrowserDriver({id: 'browser-test'});


const browserDriver = new BrowserDriver(opts);


  • opts (Object)
    • id (String) - an id for this BrowserDriver instance. Default browser-driver.


startBrowser(options : Object)

Launch a new browser instance.

options are directly passed to puppeteer.launch.

Returns a Promise that resolves when the browser has started.

openPage(options : Object)

Open a new tab in the browser. Only works after a browser instance is started:

browserDriver.startBrowser().openPage({url: 'http://localhost'});


  • url (String) - If provided, the url to load in the page.
  • exposeFunctions (Object) - keys are function names to be added to the page's window object, and the values are callback functions to execute in Node.js. See exposeFunction for details.
  • onLoad (Function) - callback when the page is loaded
  • onConsole (Function) - callback when the page logs to console
  • onError (Function) - callback if the puppeteer page crashes

Returns a Promise that resolves to the page that is open.


Terminate the browser instance.

Returns a Promise that resolves when the browser is closed.

startServer(config : Object)

Runs a server in a new child process, that the browser can connect to.

command: './node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server',
arguments: ['--config', 'webpack.config.js'],
wait: 2000


  • command (string) - the command to run, default 'webpack-dev-server'.
  • arguments (string[]) - a list of string arguments.
  • options (Object) - options for the new process. Default {maxBuffer: 5000 * 1024}. See child_process.spawn for details.
  • port ('auto'|false) - startServer can attempt to bind the service to an available port if port is set to 'auto'. In this case, the command receives additional arguments --port <port>. Default 'auto'.
  • wait (Number) - time in milliseconds to wait after executing the command. If any error is generated from the child process during this period, the Promise will reject. Otherwise, the service is considered available. Default 2000.

Returns a Promise that resolves to the service URL when the server is available.


Stops the server (kills the child process).

Returns: a Promise that resolves when the server is closed.

exit(statusCode : Number)

Exit the process after safely closing down any running browser and server instances.


  • statusCode - the status code to use when exit the process. Default 0.