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React component that wraps mapbox-gl's GeolocateControl class.

import * as React from 'react';
import Map, {GeolocateControl} from 'react-map-gl/mapbox';
import 'mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.css';

function App() {
return <Map
mapboxAccessToken="<Mapbox access token>"
longitude: -100,
latitude: 40,
zoom: 3.5
<GeolocateControl />


Reactive Properties

style: CSSProperties

CSS style override that applies to the control's container.


onGeolocate: (evt: GeolocateResultEvent) => void

Called on each Geolocation API position update that returned as success.

onError: (evt: GeolocateErrorEvent) => void

Called on each Geolocation API position update that returned as an error.

onOutOfMaxBounds: (evt: GeolocateResultEvent) => void

Called on each Geolocation API position update that returned as success but user position is out of map maxBounds.

onTrackUserLocationStart: (evt: GeolocateEvent) => void

Called when the GeolocateControl changes to the active lock state.

onTrackUserLocationEnd: (evt: GeolocateEvent) => void

Called when the GeolocateControl changes to the background state.

Other Properties

The properties in this section are not reactive. They are only used when the component first mounts.

Any options supported by the GeolocateControl class (Mapbox | Maplibre), such as

  • positionOptions
  • fitBoundsOptions
  • trackUserLocation
  • showAccuracyCircle
  • showUserLocation

Plus the following:

position: 'top-right' | 'top-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-left'

Default: 'bottom-right'

Placement of the control relative to the map.


The underlying native GeolocateControl instance is accessible via a React ref hook. You may use it to call any imperative methods:

import * as React from 'react';
import {useRef, useEffect} from 'react';
import Map, {GeolocateControl} from 'react-map-gl/mapbox';
import type mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl';

function App() {
const geoControlRef = useRef<mapboxgl.GeolocateControl>();

useEffect(() => {
// Activate as soon as the control is loaded
}, [geoControlRef.current]);

return <Map>
<GeolocateControl ref={geoControlRef} />

