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The useMap hook allows a custom component to reference the Map that contains it.

import {Map, useMap} from 'react-map-gl';

function Root() {
return (
<Map ... >
<NavigationButton />

function NavigateButton() {
const {current: map} = useMap();

const onClick = () => {
map.flyTo({center: [-122.4, 37.8]});

return <button onClick={onClick}>Go</button>;

When used with the MapProvider, this hook can also reference maps that are rendered outside of the current component's direct render tree.

import {MapProvider, Map, useMap} from 'react-map-gl';

function Root() {
return (
<Map id="myMapA" ... />
<Map id="myMapB" ... />
<NavigateButton />

function NavigateButton() {
const {myMapA, myMapB} = useMap();

const onClick = () => {
myMapA.flyTo({center: [-122.4, 37.8]});
myMapB.flyTo({center: [-74, 40.7]});

return <button onClick={onClick}>Go</button>;

See a full example here.


useMap(): {current?: MapRef, [id: string]: MapRef}

The hook returns an object that contains all mounted maps under the closest MapProvider. The keys are each map's id and the values are the MapRef.

If the hook is used inside a decendent of a Map component, the returned object also contains a current field that references the containing map.

