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Writing Examples

The examples for this library serve multiple purposes. First, they should demonstrate the abilities and common patterns for how to achieve things for users of the library and serve as a source of inspiration.

At the same time, they should also act as some sort of end-to-end testing stage during development of new features. Validating that all examples are still working should be part of the development process (automated (visual) testing for the examples would be an excellent addition to our workflows).

And finally, the examples act as "incubator" for new features. Proposed features should be implemented using examples first. That way, the functionality is available to everyone by copying and adjusting the code from the example. If these features prove to be useful and universal enough, they will be considered to be added to the library.

Scope of an Example

Examples should typically focus on demonstrating a single feature or a set of features in a comprehensive way, and they should reflect what we think are "ideal ways" to solve a specific problem.

The code should try to avoid or hide clutter and unrelated concepts. For example, if you want to show how different types of marker could be created, functions used to prepare data to show should be hidden away.

Examples will typically be read from top to bottom, so consider organizing the code in a way that puts the "gist" of the example at the very top of the main source-file.

When writing an example for a proposed feature, try to write the code for that feature in a reusable way, such that the relevant components or hooks can easily be copied into another project. This typically means to have components or hooks in their own files with as few dependencies as possible and avoid using bundler-specific features (for example, importing of css files or using environment variables).

Create the example

  • Start off by copying the ./examples/_template folder for your example. This will contain the config-files needed and some basic setup that is the same for all examples. The new directory-name will be the "example id" and should be in 'kebap-case' (we'll need that id later).
  • Develop the example independently of the library as a standalone mini-application (using npm install and npm start to start the vite dev-server).
  • If you install additional dependencies, the "Examples" section of the website will not be able to host your example, but you can still link to a CodeSandbox for the example.
  • Edit the title, description and sourcecode links in the, index.html, and ./src/control-panel.tsx files.

Adding examples to the website

If you are adding an example with no additional dependencies:

  1. Create the example page in ./website/src/examples/your-example-id.mdx
  2. Add the example to ./website/src/examples-sidebar.js
  3. Create a 400x400 px image for the overview page and place it in ./website/static/images/examples/your-example-id.jpg
  4. The whole website can be started in dev-mode by running npm i and npm start in the ./website directory. The website build can be tested by running npm run build.

If you are adding an example with additional dependencies:

  1. Create a 400x400 px image for the overview page and place it in ./website/static/images/examples/your-example-id.jpg
  2. Add the example to ./website/src/examples-sidebar.js as an external link to a CodeSandbox based on the title of your new example folder in the ./examples folder.