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<InfoWindow> Component

InfoWindows are small, temporary overlays on the map that are typically used to display additional bits of information for locations on the map – for example, to add a label or image to a marker. They can be freely positioned on the map, or they can be "anchored" to a marker.

When an InfoWindow is shown, the map will make sure to reposition the viewport such that the InfoWindow is well visible within the map container.

InfoWindows always use the same well-known styling and are limited in how much their look and feel can be customized. Any JSX element added to the InfoWindow component as children will get rendered into the content of the InfoWindow.


The rendered InfoWindow includes a close-button that can't be removed or controlled via the Google Maps API. This means that the application can't fully control the visibility of the InfoWindow.

To keep your state in sync with the map, you have to provide a listener for the onClose event so the application knows when then InfoWindow was closed by the map or the user.


If you need more control over an InfoWindow than can be offered by the InfoWindow component, you can use the AdvancedMarker component with html-content to create a custom implementation.


Minimal Example

In this example, the InfoWindow will be initially shown when the map is rendered, but the user can close it and there wouldn't be a way to get it back.

const MapWithInfoWindow = () => {
return (
<Map {...mapProps}>
<InfoWindow position={infoWindowPosition}>
The content of the info window is here.

Infowindow Attached to Marker

A more typical use-case is to have an InfoWindow shown on click for a marker. One way to implement this is to write a custom component MarkerWithInfoWindow that can then be added to any Map.

const MarkerWithInfoWindow = ({position}) => {
// `markerRef` and `marker` are needed to establish the connection between
// the marker and infowindow (if you're using the Marker component, you
// can use the `useMarkerRef` hook instead).
const [markerRef, marker] = useAdvancedMarkerRef();

const [infoWindowShown, setInfoWindowShown] = useState(false);

// clicking the marker will toggle the infowindow
const handleMarkerClick = useCallback(() =>
setInfoWindowShown(isShown => !isShown)

// if the maps api closes the infowindow, we have to synchronize our state
const handleClose = useCallback(() => setInfoWindowShown(false));

return (

{infoWindowShown && (
<InfoWindow anchor={marker} onClose={handleClose}>
<h2>InfoWindow content!</h2>
<p>Some arbitrary html to be rendered into the InfoWindow.</p>


The InfoWindowProps interface roughly extends the google.maps.InfoWindowOptions interface and includes all the options available for a InfoWindow as props. All supported options are listed below.


There are no strictly required props for the InfoWindow component, but it is required to set either a position or an anchor to show the infowindow.

General Props

position: google.maps.LatLngLiteral

The LatLng at which to display this InfoWindow.


When an anchor is specified, the position prop will be ignored.

anchor: google.maps.Marker | google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement

A Marker or AdvancedMarker instance to be used as an anchor. If specified, the InfoWindow will be positioned at the top-center of the anchor.

zIndex: number

All InfoWindows are displayed on the map in order of their zIndex, with higher values displaying in front of InfoWindows with lower values. By default, InfoWindows are displayed according to their latitude, with InfoWindows of lower latitudes appearing in front of InfoWindows at higher latitudes. InfoWindows are always displayed in front of markers.

pixelOffset: [number, number]

The offset, in pixels, from the tip of the info window to the point on the map at whose geographical coordinates the info window is anchored. If an InfoWindow is opened with an anchor, the pixelOffset will be calculated from the anchor's top/center.

disableAutoPan: boolean

Disable panning the map to make the InfoWindow fully visible when it opens.

shouldFocus: boolean

Whether focus should be moved inside the InfoWindow when it is opened. When this property isn't set, a heuristic is used to decide whether focus should be moved.

It is recommended to explicitly set this property to fit your needs as the heuristic is subject to change and may not work well for all use cases.

Content Props

className: string

A className to be assigned to the topmost element in the infowindow content.

style: CSSProperties

A style declaration to be added to the topmost element in the infowindow content. This works exactly as the style property for any other html element.

ariaLabel: string

AriaLabel to assign to the InfoWindow.

minWidth: number

Minimum width of the InfoWindow, regardless of the content's width. When using this property, it is strongly recommended to set the minWidth to a value less than the width of the map (in pixels).


The minWidth can't be changed while the InfoWindow is open.

maxWidth: number

Maximum width of the InfoWindow, regardless of content's width.


The minWidth can't be changed while the InfoWindow is open.


onClose: () => void

This event is fired whenever the InfoWindow closes. This could be from unmouting the InfoWindow component, pressing the escape key to close the InfoWindow, or clicking the close button or removing the marker the InfoWindow was anchored to.

onCloseClick: () => void

This event is fired when the close button was clicked.